Sunday, August 11, 2013

Number 32

"a portrait of my husband, each week, every week in 2013"

Our relationship has had many struggles in the last couple of years.  And I'll admit that a lot of them stemmed from me and my selfish, non-budging ways.  I was stubborn and unwilling to admit that I was wrong in most situations.  I still struggle with that, but it's on such a smaller scale.  Giving the silent treatment and not breaking down was one of my strongest qualities.  Being unwilling to meet him halfway and giving him a chance to have a say was something I fought with both fists up.

I'm happy to write today about my accomplishment on backing down from my high-horse.  On seeing Davids side and willing to talk things through.  Over the last four months or so a lot has been happening in my heart.  I'm seeing things and people in a different light.  I have had clarity about things that I have been struggling with and a fresh pair of eyes to see what is going on around me.  I'm so thankful to be in a place of love and respect.  Being with David is the best part about me.  He makes me laugh and teaches me to calm down and relax.  He has so much love and kindness towards everyone.  He never talks bad about others and would never want to make someone uncomfortable.  These days I'm taking some lessons from the book of David.  Our relationship is worth every effort in making it better and stronger and that is my focus.  We still fight, we yell, we get mad.  We are a work in progress and one that might take years to work out.  But it's a fight worth fighting and I know there are great things in store for us.  Together as a family we are strong.  

I love you man-baby! 


1 comment:

  1. This is a really great shot, love the angle and expression you captured! Also your words are beautiful, so happy you and your husband are in a good place these days. Marriage truly is a never ending work in progress, but it is so worth it. xx
