I can't believe a month has gone by already! It's been a really fun month. Everyday miss Quinne is doing something ridiculously cute, and my heart melts into a pool on the floor. I'm feeling more and more like myself too, which is a very good thing for everyone. Her sleeping hasn't gotten any better, and we've had some really hard days lately. Maybe she's starting to get some teeth? I know it will get better one day so I'll keep waiting.
growing baby: 17 pounds
26 inches long
hobbies: You can almost roll over. Lots of rocking back and forth still
You're laughing!!! Seriously the cutest thing I've ever heard
Stroller walks are one of your favorite past times
Your toes have officially made it into your mouth!
And still being oh so cute
im counting this as sitting up
kill me now
have a wonderful weekend...
Woah!!!! She is seriously a model. That last picture kills me too!